1. Pigs in Space
2. Warning
3. Moonpig
4. Moonpig conceptual architecture
5. Use cases
6. Typical account life cycle
8. Ledgers and Consumers
9. Heartbeats
10. Things that suck: Manual repair when automated processes screw up
14. Things that suck: Real-time testing
15. Things that suck: The world
17. Things that suck: Floating-point arithmetic
18. Things that suck: Rounding errors
19. Things that suck: Dates and times
21. Things that suck: Time and Time Zones
23. Things that suck: Relational Databases
24. Things that suck: ORMs
26. Worst Storage EVAR
29. Things that suck: Multiple inheritance
30. Other stuff that is GOOD: Web RPC APIs
31. Other stuff that is GOOD: Distributed routing
33. Other stuff that is GOOD: Collection classes
35. Other stuff that is GOOD: Object-Oriented Testing
36. Short summary
37. Also
38. Thank you