1. Regular Expression Mastery
2. Regular Expressions
3. What We'll Do
4. Big Secret
5. Regex Programs
6. Regex Program Example
11. Regex Metacharacters

14. Backtracking
15. The Big Secret
16. Backtracking
20. Quantifiers
22. Greed
23. `Greed' is Often Misunderstood
25. Digression on *
26. `Greed' is Often Misunderstood
27. Anti-Greed
28. Why the Greedy Ones are the Defaults
29. Anti-Greed
31. Non-Greedy *
32. Nested Operations
33. Character Classes
35. Greed is Good
38. Anchors
42. Common Anchor Error

43. The Rest of the Metacharacters
48. Lookahead Assertions
50. The Rest of the Metacharacters
51. Regex Target Variables
53. Backreferences
56. Backreference Numbering is Lexical
57. Backreferences

59. Where Do Machines Come From?
60. Run-Time Construction Disaster
61. Avoiding This Disaster
62. Minor Disaster
63. Another Disaster
64. Disaster Continues
65. Avoiding This Disaster
67. Perl 6
68. Strings that contain newlines: /s and /m

69. Repeated Matching: /g
70. Randal's Rule
71. Repeated Matching: /g
72. Extended Format: /x

73. Tokenizing

79. Optimizations
82. More New Metacharacters
83. Matching Strings with Balanced Parentheses
84. Thanks!
85. Residue of the Regexes
86. Word Boundary Assertion
87. New Features: POSIX and Unicode Character Classes
88. Upcoming Enhancements?
89. Tokenizing
90. Lookahead Assertions
91. Backreferences
92. Randal's Rule
93. Digression for a Practical Application
94. Option