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Program Repair Shop |
62 |
391 if ($filesz > 1024)
392 {
393 my (@name_list) = compare_by_first_block (1024,
394 @{$names_by_size{$filesz}});
423 if ($num_files_this_size > 20)
424 {
425 for $array_ref (@name_list)
426 {
427 compare_by_md5_sum (@$array_ref); # results in @md5_LoL
428 }
429 }
430 else
431 {
432 @md5_LoL = @name_list; # skip md5 sum step
433 }
441 while ($array_ref = shift (@md5_LoL))
442 {
445 compare_by_fc (@$array_ref); # results in @fc_LoL
446 }
447 }
448 else
449 {
450 # For files small enough to be read entirely into RAM,
451 # handle them directly on one pass!
453 @fc_LoL = compare_by_first_block ($filesz, @{$names_by_size{$filesz}});
454 }
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Copyright © 2006 M. J. Dominus |