Next | Lightweight Databases | 97 |
For a user-defined comparison, 'identical' keys might not be exactly the same
Suppose the comparison is case-insensitive:
my $my_btree = DB_File::BTREEINFO->new(); $my_btree->{flags} = R_DUP; $my_btree->{compare} = sub { lc $_[0] cmp lc $_[1] }; tie %hash, 'DB_File', $file, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666, $my_btree;
Then Red, red, and RED are all considered 'the same'
for (['Red', 'apple'], ['red', 'cherry'], ['RED', 'strawberry'], ['blUe', 'grape']) { my ($key, $value) = @$_; $hash{$key} = $value; }
Only the first of these three is actually stored
The hash interface will report the duplicate keys:
print join(" ", keys %hash), "\n";
blUe Red Red Red
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