Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 12:09:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Amit Indap <>
Subject: red flags and families of variable names
Message-ID: <>
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Dear Dominus,

I attended your Perl Repair Shop and Red Flags workshop at TPC this past July. Regarding the use of avoiding families of variable names I found this code on PerlMonks today it is even more unbelivable than the example shown in your slides at TPC!:

  open (DBASE,"$hrdata/$qfile");
  close (DBASE);
  open (DATABASE,">$hrdata/$qfile");
  foreach $rec (@ODB){
  +udgetcat,$oldpriclass,$oldsubip,$oldthetime,$oldapproved) = split(/\t/
   if ($oldpositionid != $viewpositionid) {
    print DATABASE "$oldpositionid\t$oldinstitution\t$olddepartment\t$ol
   } else {
    print DATABASE "$viewpositionid\t$institution\t$department\t$confirs
  close (DATABASE);

[Note: the + signs in the left margin are a PerlMonks convention for displaying long source code lines that would not otherwise fit in the window. -- MJD]

Amit Indap

Stanford Human Genome Center

"Where is the frontier?"
- W. Daniel Hillis