Next | Continued Fraction Arithmetic | 44 |
Like decimals, continued fractions are easy to compare!
Is 100/89 more or less than 244/217?
100/89 = [1; 8, 11]
244/217 = [1; 8, 27]
Since the 1/... parts are <1, we can resolve this immediately if a0 ≠ b0
Otherwise, the answer is the same as:
Which is just:
Summary: compare place by place until you find a mismatch
If the first mismatch is in an even position, invert the sense of the result
0 = [0] 1/8 = [0; 8] 2/8 = [0; 4] 3/8 = [0; 2, 1, 2] 4/8 = [0; 2] 5/8 = [0; 1, 1, 1, 2] 6/8 = [0; 1, 3] 7/8 = [0; 1, 7] 1 = [1]
If one fraction ends prematurely, that's just like encountering
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