Next Regular Expression Mastery 83

Matching Strings with Balanced Parentheses

     ( ( I ) ( l i k e ( p i e ) ) ! )        
     1 2   1 2         3       2 1   0
     (?{ local $d=0 }) # Set depth to 0
         \(            # When you see an open parenthesis...
         (?{$d++})     #  ...increment the depth
         \)            # or you could see a close parenthesis...
         (?{$d--})     # which case decrement the depth...
         (?            #  ...and check...
           (?{$d<0})   #  ...if there was no matching open paren...
           (?!)        #  ...then fail.
         (?> [^()]* )  # or you could see some non-parenthesis text
                       # (but don't bother backtracking into it)
                       # After you match as much as possible...
     (?                # ...check to see if...
       (?{$d!=0})      # ...there were unmatched open parentheses...
       (?!)            # ...if so then fail.


/^(.*).?(?>(.*))(?(?{$1 ne reverse $2})(?!))/

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