1. The Perl Hardware Store
2. Teflon Tape
3. Schwartzian Transform
5. @names = readdir D;
6. Short Version
7. Schwartzian Transform
8. Manual Exporting
9. Simple Example
11. A Module That Exports a Function
13. Constants
14. Exporting Variables
15. Exporting Variables II
16. What does this do?
17. Clone the Exporter
18. Adding a new Method to a Package
20. Semaphore Files
21. if (something()) {
22. $FILE = '/data/hitcounter';
23. Memoizing
24. o Pure functions get faster when you _memoize_ them.
25. Highly Recursive Functions
26. Automatic Memoization
27. Functions that Take a Long Time to Compute
28. Execution Profiling
29. o Suppose you think that f is a likely candidate for optimization
30. `Orcish Maneuver'
31. o Suppose you have a list of 1,000 strings
32. o Another solution: Memoize date-to-number conversion function:
33. o You often want to speed up sort comparators
34. { my %cache;
35. Dynamic Programming
36. Partition Problem
37. o Recursive function gets a list of numbers and a target sum and solves problem:
38. o T([8,2,7,3,10], 15) does indeed return (2,3,10)
39. Ouch