1. The Perl Hardware Store 2003
2. Teflon Tape
3. Schwartzian Transform
8. Manual Exporting
9. Simple Example
11. A Module That Exports a Function
13. Constants
14. Read-Only Constants Continued
15. Forced Importing / Aliasing
16. Magical Variables
17. Magical Exporter Variable
20. Clone the Exporter
21. Adding a new Method to a Package
23. Semaphore Files
28. Caching
30. Highly Recursive Functions
31. Caching Fixes Recursion
32. Automatic Caching
33. Caching Fixes Recursion
34. Treasure Division
37. Caching Fixes Recursion
38. Dynamic Programming
39. Memoizing
40. The Indirect Sort
42. The Indirect Indirect Sort
43. A Function With Two Names
44. The Stub Slice
47. Glob objects
48. Globjects
51. Globject Sigils
52. Autocroaking
54. Self-Replacing Stub
55. Reference Operations
59. Interpolation.pm
62. Syntactic Sugar
66. Thank You