MCS 494 final 2004.12.09 D. J. Bernstein Your answers must be based solely on your own knowledge and the information on these sheets. You are not permitted to use books, notes, or computers. Do not hand in these sheets. Anything that you want to have graded must appear in the answer booklet. Make sure that your name is on the front of the booklet. You may find the following functions useful: symlink("target","newlink") creates newlink as a symbolic link to target; rename("foo","bar") changes the existing file foo to be named bar, simultaneously removing any existing file bar; lseek(4,0,0) moves file descriptor 4's file position back to byte 0. Don't worry about including the proper .h files for these and other functions. Problem 1. A user clicks on a URL inside a PDF document, not realizing that the URL was created maliciously. The PDF viewer calls command = malloc(strlen(url) + 20); if (!command) return -1; sprintf(command,"firefox %s",url); system(command); free(command); to start a browser. The browser displays a web page. The user closes the browser window. Later he is surprised to discover that many of his files have disappeared. What was the URL? Problem 2. The system administrator arranges for the commands print-new-configs > /tmp/new-configs [ -s /tmp/new-configs ] && ( mail root < /tmp/new-configs ) rm /tmp/new-configs to be run every night. A local user joe creates a file evil.c and runs gcc -o evil evil.c ./evil after which the system administrator's commands corrupt /etc/passwd. What were the contents of evil.c? Problem 3. How can the security hole in Problem 2 be fixed? Write the new commands. Problem 4. Sometimes, inside a setuid program, main calls a library function that uses an environment variable set by an attacker. The author of main does not realize that the library function is using the environment variable, and the author of the library function does not realize that the program is running setuid. Answer exactly one of the following two questions, clearly identifying which one you have chosen to answer: (A) How can the library function check whether it is running setuid? (B) How can main prevent library functions from seeing the attacker's environment? 1 Problem 5. The system administrator arranges for the command find / -name '*.core' -mtime +7 -print | xargs rm -f to be run every night. His goal is to remove all old files on the system named *.core. For example, the output of find / -name '*.core' -mtime +7 -print might be /home/djb/konqueror.core /tmp/z7.core indicating that /home/djb/konqueror.core and /tmp/z7.core have not been modified in 7 days. A local user joe creates a file evil.c and runs gcc -o evil evil.c ./evil after which the system administrator's command destroys /etc/passwd. What were the contents of evil.c? Problem 6. The system administrator runs an inetd-edit program that reads the existing contents of /etc/inetd.conf into an x array in memory, makes certain changes to the x array, and then calls fd = open("/etc/inetd.conf",O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC); if (fd == -1) return -1; write(fd,x,xlen); close(fd); to save the x array to disk. Unfortunately, the write fails, because a local user joe is simultaneously writing to every last bit of disk space; inetd-edit ends up throwing away all the data in /etc/inetd.conf. Write replacement code that preserves the old /etc/inetd.conf if there is any problem writing the new data to disk. Problem 7. The system administrator, after learning that the /home disk is full, finds and removes a 40-gigabyte file: % find /home -ls | sort -n +6 | tail -1 | awk '{print $11}' /home/joe/just-testing/rc % ls -l /home/joe/just-testing/rc -rw-r--r-- 1 joe joe 41162685334 Dec 9 10:00 /home/joe/just-testing/rc % rm /home/joe/just-testing/rc % ls -l /home/joe/just-testing/rc ls: /home/joe/just-testing/rc: No such file or directory % The system administrator later discovers, to his surprise, that the important 16000-byte system file /etc/rc has disappeared. What exactly did joe do? 2 Problem 8. The HTTP server runs as root. Someone connects to the server and asks for the web page In response, the server calls if (!ownedby(fn,user)) return -1; sendtonetwork(fn); where fn is "/home/joe/public_html/data/index.html" and user is "joe". The ownedby() function checks that the file /home/joe/public_html/data/index.html is owned by joe; the sendtonetwork() function then reads the file /home/joe/public_html/data/index.html and sends it across the network. Explain how joe can read any file on the system. Problem 9. A setuid-root program reads commands from a configuration file set up by the system administrator, and reads arguments from the user running the program. It then writes the commands and arguments to a root-owned file: for (i = 0;i < cmdlen;++i) { fprintf(fi,"%s ",cmd[i]); for (j = 0;arg[i][j];++j) { if (!isalpha(arg[i][j])) fprintf(fi,"\\"); fprintf(fi,"%c",arg[i][j]); }fprintf(fi," "); } Another setuid-root program reads the file and obeys the instructions: readingcmd = 1; arg_empty(); cmd_empty(); while (fscanf(fi,"%c",&ch) == 1) { if (ch == '\\') fscanf(fi,"%c",&ch); else if (!isalpha(ch)) { if (!readingcmd) { obey(cmd,arg); arg_empty(); cmd_empty(); } readingcmd = !readingcmd; continue; }if (readingcmd) cmd_append(ch); else arg_append(ch); } Explain how a local user can arrange for obey("rm","*") to be called, even if rm is not one of the commands specified by the system administrator. 3 Problem 10. The following program /bin/su is installed setuid root: #include #include #include #include FILE *fi; int uid; char *args[2]; char line[256]; char user[512]; char pass[512]; int main(int argc,char **argv) { args[0] = getenv("SHELL"); if (!args[0]) args[0] = "/bin/sh"; if (!fopen("/dev/null","r")) return 111; if (!fopen("/dev/null","r")) return 111; if (!fopen("/dev/null","r")) return 111; if (!argv[1]) return 111; fi = fopen("/etc/actual-passwords","r"); if (!fi) return 111; doif (!fgets(line,sizeof line,fi)) return 111; while (sscanf(line,"%[^:]:%[^:]:%d",user,pass,&uid) < 3 || strcmp(user,argv[1])); if (!fgets(line,sizeof line,stdin)) return 111; if (strlen(line) > 0) line[strlen(line) - 1] = 0; if (strcmp(pass,line)) return 111; setuid(uid); if (getuid() != uid) return 111; execv(*args,args); return 111; } The idea is that a user logged in as one account, say djb, can run su faculty, type the password for the faculty account, and have a shell run as faculty. Explain, with complete code, how joe can use this /bin/su program to print out the contents of /etc/actual-passwords. You may assume that joe's password is 494. 4