Next | Functional Programming in Perl | 21 |
Here's a most substantial example
In ML for the Working Programmer, Paulson presents a parsing system
A parser is a function of type:
char list -> 'a * char list
For example:
fun digit (in1::ins) = if in1 = '0' then (0, ins) else if in1 = '1' then (1, ins) else ... if in1 = '9' then (9, ins) else raise "Parse error..."
Now you want some parser combinators:
fun nothing input = ((), input);
fun concat p1 p2 input = let val (v1, i1) = p1 input in let val (v2, i2) = p2 i1 in ((v1, v2), i2) end end
fun star p1 input = alternates(concat(p1, star p1), nothing);
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